
About Manaram

Aras Manaram Agriculture Company, in order to develop its activities and use more of its abilities and potentials, was established in 2019 and with written plans, it started the construction of one of the largest integrated hydroponic glass greenhouse complexes in the Middle East in Aras Industrial Free Trade Zone.

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Dr. Navid Navadeh Abazar becomes the exemplary young manager for the second year in a row

Dr. Navid Navadeh Abazar becomes the exemplary young manager for the second year in a row

In line with utilization of elite and entrepreneurial youth capacities and introducing them as a model to be effective manager in national economic development, Dr. Navid Navadeh Abazar was designated as the country’s exemplary young manager for the second year in a row. Dr. Navid Navadeh Abazar, Chief Executive Officer of Pars Sakhtar Industrial Group […]

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Video report//The third day of presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

Video report//The third day of presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

Video report//The third day of presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

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Video report//The second day of the presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

Video report//The second day of the presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

The second day of the presence of agriculture and industry of Pars Sukrat industrial group in the 6th international exhibition of ifarm in Tehran

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New issue of Panar Quarterly

Important contents of this quarterly

New issue of Panar Quarterly

Via adhering to the social values and business ethics as well as customer orientation, quality and knowledge, Pars Sakhtar Industrial Group takes a step toward development. With unceasing efforts, the company pursues to maintain its position as the leading private company in Iran and helps its partners to achieve their desired objectives.